Friday, January 16, 2009

Singing boy meets sudden death

blog arrival

Of course I'm about eight years late. Blogging is old news now. Since that saucy lady, what's her face, made it big with 'Girl with a one track mind', it's all old hat. E-books, e-zines, e-groups ... you're no one if you're not online these days. Is it me or did this whole create a blog thing get easier....? I remember trying to create one some years ago and getting lost. It was a fiasco. I don't take kindly to newness, especially new technology. I belong to the wrong generation. Buttons bore me. But I've got to get with the program. We are now nine years into a new millennium and I am still cyber shy. Well no more! God damn it! I can do this. Every day?Possibly... it's a big commitment. Writing. Every day. Will I have anything to say? Most unlikely. If I do, will it be interesting? Most likely not. But I do write. Every day. So it's the same thing .. only now I have to make sure that thing is worthy of publishing .. bloody hell. Sweat beads forming on forehead .. I am not good with commitment. But I'll give it a go...